Thursday 21 January 2016

Science Day and Garba Fun Before the Mid-Term Break

For students, faculty and staff at Jyotirmay International School the mid-term break had come as a sweet reward after a period of focused and planned learning. For our students this was a time for assimilating all the new knowledge that they had learned and discovered during their first term besides taking a break during the festive season.

Science Day Demonstration by Jasmine Group for their Juniors
In the final week before the holidays though, we had two fun-filled days beginning with the Science Day. Children got to demonstrate all that they had learned during the term: they explained how science works in everyday situations. They were the teachers on that day while teachers became learners!

The seniors showed us how magnets worked on iron fillings, while the juniors had their own demonstration of how magnets work even through water as a medium. 

The juniors also wowed all teachers with their demonstration of how sunlight passes through a prism to create rainbow colours. 

Another experiment carried out by the juniors showed how to use of alum to make dirt particles settle at the bottom of a water container. This is a practical and useful learning for everyone, to be used in case of contaminated water. 

Discovering that scientific technology can be fun and useful in the making of gadgets and learning how everyday essentials like sound, light, lenses and even musical notes work, make the study of science more enjoyable and exciting too.

Here’s a poem which some of our junior students came up with:

Science, Science why do I need you,
Science hidden in me and you too,
It has made such a beautiful technology,
Maybe it can take us back in the timeless mythology.
I don’t know how
Science makes us go just wow!

On the last day of school on Friday 30th October there was more of the relaxed fun along with dancing, games and unwinding. All the students and teachers indulged in singing, dancing and playing sports. 

This of course, had come after days of practice where the pre-primary levels, juniors as well as the seniors got acquired spatial skills with the Garba. 

In the end, during the Garba Finale it didn’t really matter if one could dance like a professional or with two left feet. Everybody joining the ever growing circles in the MPH felt like a part of the whole. Take a look at some more images, with students and teachers at Jyotirmay International School having a joyful time!

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