Tuesday 26 January 2016

Republic Day Celebrations at the School

One of the things everybody enjoys at Jyotirmay International School is the parents’ active participation in all our events; they don’t just attend, they join in wholeheartedly. Here are a few pictures from our Republic Day celebrations today with the brief yet inspiring programme which our children presented to this audience after the flag hoisting ceremony.
Queueing up for the Flag Hoisting Ceremony
That one moment which every Indian awaits with a suspended breath

Our Pre-primary children keenly waiting to watch their Seniors perform

Groups Ivy, Basil and Amber forming a unique Map of India with each student highlighting a state
Groups Clover and Iris seen below, presented enchanting formations with colourful sarees.
A waterfall with a gentle slope
Waves formed as the sheaths of fabrics float float the air

Encircling to form a tent

The colourful tent

A lovely Butterfly

A Fair Lady's Dress

Peacock - the National Bird
Our seniors who were supported by Saffron, completed this programme with a breathtaking rendition of A.R. Rahman's song - Maa Tujhe Salaam. Parents joined in with claps through this wonderful song and at the end of it, many had tears shimmering in their eyes.
These marvelous performances have left parents eager for the Annual Day!
Our youngest audience! Anoushka's 2-month old brother on his first outing celebrating his first ever Republic Day!

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